LK99,110K零电阻观测成功_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 热点新闻 基础科学 物理学 超导 视频 Source: www.bilibili.com再有东南大学观测到零电阻(但强调说,没有观测到抗磁性)
Andrew Cote 在 Twitter: "I've worked with superconductors for the better part of a decade now in different contexts, from STM condensed matter labs, to particle accelerators, and now fusion. Time for a deep dive on what exactly this miracle-technology unlocks for us a species: 🧵" / X 科学 超导 热点新闻 Source: twitter.com这个推特串介绍了常温超导的应用场景及可能产生的影响。